


Your complete guide to nutrition and stress management to help you recover from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and all gut related conditions

WAS $199




Healing IBS: a Combined Approach

This program is for anyone suffering gut related symptoms, whether you've had an official diagnosis or not. It is well known that for most IBS sufferers, the triggers are dietary as well as stress related.

We know you will experience significant and lasting improvements in your gut health when you apply our recommendations- both dietary and stress reduction.

We use the tools in this program with thousands of clients in clinic to restore their digestion as well as mental health and restore control of their gut.

Healing Gut Issues

  • Alleviate digestive symptoms such as: constipation, bloating, cramping, gas, poor digestion, loose stools, food sensitivities
  • Alleviate stress, anxiety and depression associated with not having control of your gut health
  • Learn which foods are harmful and which are helpful for your gut health
  • Understand the true causes of IBS and how to address them naturally
  • Follow a detailed elimination food guide and re-introduction guide
  • Learn all about healing gut foods and how to easily incorporate them into your diet
  • Recipes and video demos included
  • Learn to be less reactive to stress in your life to avoid triggering gut symptoms
  • Create new long term habits with the right nutrition and mindset 


Who Is This Program For:

Whether you have been diagnosed with IBS or are struggling with diverse gut symptoms, you will probably relate to many of the following:

✓ You have digestive symptoms that often disrupt your life

✓ Are you often in pain, feeling bloated with irregular bowel movements

✓ You have diarrhoea, loose stools or constipation or alternate between all of them

✓ You sometimes react to foods and sometimes not, it's hard to know what to eat

✓ You've an endoscopy/colonoscopy and all other medical investigations and were told ‘everything is normal’

✓ Tried various diets but didn’t achieve any lasting results

✓ Confused about what to eat as everything seems to trigger the IBS symptoms, or you can eat the same thing and have different gut symptoms


✓ You are anxious about your gut and needing to know where the bathroom is at all times

✓ Your gut symptoms often interrupt your work and social life and impact relationships

✓ You notice that ‘everything is worse’ when you are stressed

✓ Your gut symptoms got triggered from ‘that trip to an exotic country’ or a significant life stressor

✓ Your sleep is interrupted due to needing the bathroom at night and feeling bloated/in pain

✓ You have been having a hard time dealing with stress and feel overwhelmed

✓ You sometimes also suffer from anxiety, depression or mood dysregulation 

✓ You find it hard to lose weight

✓ You've been through Fodmap and other elimination diets only to get all the gut problems back when re-introducing foods

Take a look inside the program to see exactly how it works- click the video --->>

Our Program:

  • There are 5 key modules in the program that cover both nutrition and diet as well as stress management
  • The elimination diet is designed to run for 5 weeks to allow your gut a reset it needs and most of the symptoms to resolve. We explain how to re-introduce foods and what to do to get to the deeper underlying reasons for your IBS
  • The stress reduction strategies are designed to be practiced during the 5 weeks of the program, however, we give you the tools that you will use every day in order to lead a more mindful and aware life to minimise the impact of stress on your gut. There are also 5 bonus modules for stress reduction for you to implement if you choose

  • And the best part? You download the modules at your own pace, no deadlines or expiry dates, once purchased, the program is yours for life. 

Nutrition and Stress Reduction recordings 

  • Instructional videos about nutrition and diet for IBS
  • Learn all about the underlying causes of IBS 
  • Learn successful food re-introduction to avoid symptoms returning
  • Daily stress reduction routine: audio tracks containing therapeutic guided meditations
  • Learn mindful breathing and how to be less reactive 

5 Weeks of Nutrition lessons and Stress Reduction worksheets

  • PDF downloads of all nutrition presentation slides
  • Meal plans and detailed guides for addressing numerous gut symptoms
  • Cooking demos of gut healing foods
  • Stress reduction worksheets to guide you to nurture new habits and attitudes

Stress Reduction resources 

  • 5 extra weeks of stress reduction lessons 
  • Mindfulness basics and strategies workbook
  • How to Stop Losing Your Battle to Anxiety E-book-
  • Learn how the body responds to modern stress
  • Learn how Mindfulness principles can reduce anxiety and change your mindset toward resilience

Nutrition BONUS: Interviews with Gut Health Experts Dr Alessio Fasano and Michael Ash

  • Why the standard band aid approaches to resolving IBS don’t work
  • Why it’s so important to introduce healing foods into your diet
  • How inflammation triggers leaky gut and how to reduce inflammation
  • How stress drives IBS
  • The importance of maintaining a healthy microbiome


Our Program is designed using the latest scientific evidence that both Nutrition and Stress Reduction are fundamental to address in order to recover from IBS:

"Psychological stress is an important factor for the development of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). More and more clinical and experimental evidence showed that IBS is a combination of irritable bowel and irritable brain.

Evidence from clinical and experimental studies showed that psychological stresses have marked impact on intestinal sensitivity, motility, secretion and permeability, and the underlying mechanism has a close correlation with mucosal immune activation, alterations in central nervous system, peripheral neurons and gastrointestinal microbiota.

Stress-induced alterations in neuro-endocrine-immune pathways acts on the gut-brain axis and microbiota-gut-brain axis, and cause symptom flare-ups or exaggeration in IBS. IBS is a stress-sensitive disorder, therefore, the treatment of IBS should focus on managing stress and stress-induced responses"

"Impact of psychological stress on irritable bowel syndrome", Hong-Yan Qin et al, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2014.

Sneak peak at an audio track   >

Testimonial from Leticia, program graduate

True Health Synergy

“True Health Senergy's IBS Gut Healing Program is an extremely effective 6-week course that has allowed me to learn so much about myself both mentally and physically. Within the first 1-2 weeks I felt and saw big changes and this is because it addresses the root causes, not just the symptoms. With fantastic in-depth resources, I felt empowered to tailor my diet and meditation, once I completed the program and it was so refreshing to see a gut healing program that also linked mental health as key to gut healing.”

Program participant, Melbourne

True Health Synergy

“I have seen many caregivers of different specialties over the last few years and although they ran tests and sold me supplements, nobody has helped me as much as Maria has after one visit. She truly has a gift.

Maria recommended that I start with her online ‘Healing IBS” Program. She is lovely to listen to and the course is well-organized into manageable chunks where you can get started with the most critical parts first as you learn. I had done years of research but I was able to learn so much from her program. My favorite thing was learning about things that I actually could eat to help myself heal, instead of just things to avoid. After three weeks on the program, I noticed clear signs that my body was improving—I had more energy, was able to sleep better, my urine was much clearer without adjusting my water intake, and I was having regular, daily bowel movements for the first time in my life. The program is comprehensive because it also covers stress relief in detail, which I learned is critical to heal from any gut issues and all types of IBS. The meditations from Scott are very grounding and restorative. I have recommended this program to 5 people already, and now I’m recommending it to you!” ”

Program Participant, USA

True Health Synergy

“A program that addresses IBS in a holistic way. Maria and Scott understand that IBS isn't caused solely by food. Their program shows that stress is a major contributing factor to unpleasant gut symptoms as well. Thankfully with their knowledge and expertise, they have created an informative, user friendly package that tackles IBS through nourishing food, including quality recipes, as well as techniques to nourish the mind and reduce stress for long lasting results on gut health. I'd highly recommend this program to anyone experiencing unpleasant gut symptoms as I found the combination of a tailored nutrition protocol and a stress reduction protocol to provide significant relief with my gut symptoms”

Program Participant, NSW

Maria Allerton

Maria Allerton from TRUE FOODS NUTRITION is a fully qualified Nutritionist (Adv.Dip Nutritional Medicine) and a certified/registered member of ATMS (Australian Traditional Medicine Society). Maria is trained in all modes of Functional Medicine testing, including gastrointestinal testing and analysis, microbiome management, thyroid and hormonal testing and treatment and toxicity assessment and treatment.

Maria has extensive clinical experience addressing complicated cases of IBS and other gut disorders through dietary strategies, Functional medicine testing and treatment of parasites, bacteria, functional gut imbalances and nutrient deficiencies.

Her aim is to empower her clients with information and knowledge about their bodies and their gut in particular in order to understand its function, how different foods can affect the gut for better or worse and how to heal utilising nutrients and rebalancing the microbiome.

Food, cooking and nutrition have always been Maria’s passion and her key interest is ‘food as medicine’- has been the guiding principle in her personal life and clinic work.

Maria’s gut problems began when she was in high school with bloating and regular pains following various meals. This was diagnosed as IBS three years later.

Actually they began when she was a kid with regular times of throwing up food and recurring bronchitis who had at least 40 rounds of antibiotics by 10 years of age!

Maria’s IBS triggers were: unfavourable genetics (long family history of gut and autoimmune problems), stress of high school exams and a terrible teenage diet that consisted mostly of soy or lite dairy milk with cornflakes for breakfast, a cheese sandwich for lunch, chips and soft drink in between, and frequent pasta and pizza dinners.

For 10 years after that she struggled with intermittent bouts of IBS (depending on stress levels), very poor digestion tending to constipation, low thyroid function, SIBO (small intestinal overgrowth), severe food intolerances, allergies and hayfever, intermittent depression, adrenal burnout and constant weight problems.

Maria experimented with various diets over many years and found that an ancestral Paleo style diet with very limited grains, legumes and dairy foods was the most beneficial for her gut health as well as whole body health. After seeing huge improvements in her IBS from eliminating trigger foods and including many healing foods she decided to study nutrition formally and left her successful marketing career to become a Clinical Nutritionist.

She now runs a busy online clinic and helps clients in Australia and many countries around the world to address their unique root causes of gut dysfunction and IBS and empower them with knowledge to resolve gut symptoms once and for all.

True Foods Nutrition
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Scott Allerton

Scott Allerton from SYDNEY INTEGRATIVE HYPNOTHERAPY is a stress management expert. He is a registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, Mindfulness stress reduction teacher and fatigue manager.

He truly understands the deep workings of our mind: how our thoughts and habits become dysfunctional and how to recover a calm, focused mind that serves us day to day rather than creates problems. Scott believes that we have all the resources within us that are needed to heal ourselves, although having someone who has walked the walk and undertaken the training needed to facilitate you in effecting the change is essential.

Scott approaches his work in a very holistic fashion treating the mind and the body as one integrated system designed to function in harmony. Making use of his hand- picked toolbox of modalities enables Scott to offer an effective way toward achieving his clients’ health goals of relief from stress, anxiety, pain, addiction and phobias.

Scott has had a personal journey with trauma, life altering stressful events, anxiety, depression and gut problems. These events have led him to study with the best and utilise scientifically validated effective techniques such as hypnosis, mindfulness and stress reduction to overcome his health issues.

Resolving the stress in our lives is a critical strategy to reduce and eliminate gut symptoms. IBS is often put in the ‘too hard’ medical basket with sufferers often told ‘it’s all in your head’, ‘don’t stress so much’ or even ‘here’s a script for an anti-depressant’.

By utilising scientifically validated effective techniques such as hypnosis, mindfulness and stress reduction, Scott enables his clients to leave behind beliefs and mental states that are not serving them and triggering gut symptoms and develop new neural pathways to optimal health.

Mastering our daily stresses and most importantly our reactions to them is a very important step in addressing all gut issues and IBS in particular.

Sydney Integrative Hypnotherapy

Healing IBS Program includes:

  • 5 modules of Instructional Nutrition videos with all the information you need for an elimination diet, gut healing foods and re-introduction of foods
  • 5 Stress Reduction Module Recordings and PDF worksheets to reprogram your brain mindfully
  • All PDF notes and worksheets for Nutrition and Stress reduction 
  • Video cooking demos for gut healing foods
  • Recipes for many gut healing foods to enjoy
  • BONUS:
    • 5 Bonus weekly stress reduction lessons
    • Mindfulness basics booklet with how to apply mindfulness to common mental health disorders
    • Educational Ebook on understanding anxiety and panic and how to stop losing the battle
    • Interviews on Gut Health with Dr Alessio Fasano and Michael Ash

Your Investment: WAS $199


IBS gut health